Quick update

Wokeh, it's has been a while since my last post. Here you go quick updates:
  1. I've been so busy with two stat, two theater, and one dance classes. And again, what's my major?
  2. Finally, ended the journey of "Attempts of Her life". Lessons learned ? Tons! Couple pictures follow.
  3. Currently, I am working on two monologues, Ariel from Shakespeare's The Tempest and Man from Durang's Laughing Wild. People are afraid of Shakespeare's. Facing off the fear, I found that Shakespeare's are really close to one's heart and mind. EVERYBODY can understand and speak Shakespeare. It's a revelation for me.
  4. I've been attending several performances at Purdue. Modern dance rooting on different feelings, theater workshops/productions pertaining various themes and musical performances/gigs in different genres, or all of them combine together.
three important lessons learned:
  • As a performer, be true to YOUR feelings in the objectives on being on stage. Don't pretend to be somebody you are not.
  • In creating/producing (especially a workshop) a piece or work, start with feelings not ideas.
  • Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse and rehearse!

Till then! Later!
....oh wait! Lady Gaga's coming to Purdue? =x


aisyah said...

anip! :D
ape major ko again weh? ;P
lady gaga nak dtg purdue betol ke? hihi

Anip said...

Ecah! :-p
Major aku Actuarial Science and Statistics, initially. Now, dah tambah satu lagik! Theater! Yuppers! Lady Gaga dtg Purdue. Nama konsertnya Monster Ball!

aisyah said...

omg jelessssssss

$ureeN said...

bestnye lady gaga. omg gagagagaga
woi mcm penuh btol your major and minors. sungguh penuh!