A charismatic actor

Often as audience we get confused on actors acting abilities. I adore Katherine Heigl in Grey's Anatomy but NEVER on any of her cinematic works. I think Sally Field was fantastic in Places in the Heart but she's not my favorite as Nora Walker in Brothers & Sisters.
So, as casting agent, director, and producer, how to choose?
Let me paraphrase Yasmin Ahmad -

"How am i gonna choose an actor or actress? I just choose somebody who were born with these "things". I just choose them and I can't take credits from it. And I have to step back as a film director and let people be wonderful. If they're wonderful, take them. If the character you have written, which is pure imagination doesn't suit them, you change it so it suits them because they are God creations. And they are blessed with these things. Who are you? You've just written a semi-fictional character."

And I saw Equus on Broadway with Daniel Radcliffe in it. As much as I've seen him in as Harry Potter or Maps in December Boys or John Kipling in My Boy Jack, this is the closest to his 'natural' personality that I could see in Equus, after all, it's THEATER!

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