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After all she has done to Malaysia film industry, this is what she get? A huge defamation a day after her death? It's not about telling the truth, it's about dignity of her family, her companions, her "anak-anak". I've been questioning the morality and ethics of most of Malaysian reporters and newspapers. Instead of supporting the industry towards a much more matured field competing with other nations, they dig a whole of humaliation of a true Malaysian artist.

This is not how I, at least, remember my "mother", who has served country well. If you are also disgusted by Kosmo! please support this protest.

Some of us agree that boycotting them won't work. Contact them. Spam them with calls - emails, espicially emails!
Send your complaints on that insentive piece of innuendo laden news piece that cowardly didn't have a byline to berita(at)
Call then at 603-92214001 (ext 508 & 506) demand to speak to the editor.
Fax them your complaints to 603 92218590
I'm spreading the words so they won't forget.
Ask for apology - not for us, but for the memory of Yasmin Ahmad, our storyteller and filmmaker and her family who are hurting the most.

Thank you.