Universal language

I was sitting in Green-room (a room for actors chillin when they are not on stage) reading an article about Dustin Lance Black's struggles to make Milk happens in W, when I heard somebody sang "Kendati selautan segunung/Permata di kanan dan kiri/Selagi jantungku berdegup hingga tiba saat terhenti/Dialah dihati" with perfect enunciation! It was Nico singing that verse while listening to his iPOD. It amazed me too that he told me he was trying hard to find the song after listening to Siti's beautiful rendition from Royal Albert Hall concert years ago. Since he found that song, he said he's been listening to Siti's over and over again and can't help falling in love with her voice.

Weeks ago he asked me who's the best singer in Malaysia and with no doubt I said Siti Nurhaliza three times so he could pronouce it correctly. I didn't expect that he's gonna be really into Siti, considering the fact that he doesn't know Malay to understand Siti's songs. He said "The beauty of arts is universal. Arts speak universal language."

I don't understand Italian but after listening to this song, a collaboration between three great legends, Andrea Brocelli, Chris Botti and David Foster to produce the mesmerizing piece, Italia, I couldn't agree less with Nico.