Busy ending

I know Addin's gonna be laughing reading this post, but, seriously, I AM gonna be busy towards the end of this semester (huh! Almost done with Junior year!). After doing wardrobe for "You Can't Take it With You" last semester, it feels like eating garam belacan and mempelam, that from the moment you start dipping, you can't stop it, because the hotness needs to be kept on going. So, I requested to do backstage work again this semester. Since, my You Can't Take It With You's fierce partner, Kat Garrow - she just recently decided to go with Kait, her real name, but I call her Kat anyways, is in "The Shape of Things" cast, we decided to do "Much Ado About Nothing". The play is set to be in Miami and the cast is gonna be Cuban!

"Kat Garrow!!!" I yelled her name when I saw her walking out of Performing and Arts Hall across the street.
"Hanif Kamis!!" She ran across the street and gave me a hug. The yelling at each other's name part is not something unusual when you are around or inside Performing and Arts building, as people who see this would assume that you're one of those crazy actors practicing their scenes or Evelyn in The Shape of Things is doing another thesis.
"We need to bring sexy back to the backstage this semester." I said after we agreed to do Much Ado.
With her left hand being rested on her left hip, another hand pointing to the air and her body leaning back a little bit, she went "Nah-ah....we're not bringing sexy back, because sexy NEVER LEFT!"

Much Ado's gonna run from April 17th to 25th. With some matinees, it means my life will be pretty much in that building. Hmm... wait a sec...isn't my major Actuarial Science?



diberkati Allah, kecermerlangan dipinta. kepada Allah segala-galanya.
salam dari keluarga disini