Dude next to me

It was 930 in the morning. I was so sleepy in WTHR200 com lab.
Was transferred from SC G076. WTHR200 was locked...I couldn't get in...had to call site operator...she was late..people kept on asking me why it's closed...bla bla bla bla...
I started working at 645, ONE and HALF an hour to go.
Need to study for STAT quiz later.
Need to collect materials for my OIL! class paper, which is due tonight.
Need to read a play for my Sound Technology Design final project.

AND all of sudden, there was this kid sitting next to my computer station goes,
"Excuse me, how many electoral votes does it take to win presidential election? 273 or 270?"

I was like, what? how the hell on earth SHOULD I know about it? Do not I look Asian enough not to be asked such question?

But looking at how he was in hurry writing a paper next to me, I just tembak by confidently goes "273."

He thanked me and continued writing. But I felt bad if it was a wrong answer. So, I googled the question and found out it's actually 27.
"Dude, it's 270."

He thanked me again.

I think I should read Paan's blog a lot. Putting the fact that Computer Lab Assistants NEED to be customer friendly. What a policy....


Unknown said...

hahahaha.. that's so random, have a mess with classes, hw, paper, test and suddenly got stuck with election issue. Go Barack Obama