Spring Break: Appalachian Trail - North Georgia (Pt. 2)

We finally got to Unicoi Gap, paved GA Hwy 75, and we camped next to the parking lot a lil bit into the wood. Practically, we're not allowed to camp anywhere 100 yd near to road or trail, but, since, it was 11 at night, we had no choice. It was a freezing night, which I almost got frostbite! Yes! Frostbite! I had all frostbite's symptoms, but, luckily, Laurie was quick helping me warming up my hands and feet.

The coldness of that shitty night was paid off the next morning when there was a lady approaching our tents, who we thought was a ranger to arrest us for illegal camping, offering us free breakfast they've prepared in that morning. We had hot coffee and warm burritos, which were totally delicious!! On our way to get ourselves shuttled by a local to Springer Mt, Laurie said, according to a book she's reading about AT, those ladies are the backpackers called "Appalachian Angels" among backpackers. They do sectional hiking and give breakfast, or lunch to AT backpackers.
Above is the place where we met locals who shuttled us to Springer Mt, the starting of the whole Appalachian Trail.
On top of Springer Mt. Ready to start!! (Endo said something about Zach's Gandalf Stick)

*I would rather not to write anything about the whole 6 days of hiking. It's not that I'm lazy to type and don't want to share it. It's something that is better to keep it as a memory and stays in my mind. And I always believe that not everything can be expressed in words. Thus, I'm posting couple of pictures taken over the 6-day of hiking*


Unknown said...

"Appalachian Angels" among backpackers. They do sectional hiking and give breakfast, or lunch to AT backpackers.

perghhh best giler jadi Angels. umm nak jadi Ledang Angels la. sigh aku dah pancit neh. bile nak naikkan stamina. ngeh ngeh ngeh

taufiq said...

weh mai la AT kat sini plak.. aku takde geng la