Spring Break - Sneak peek

the whole day through.
Just an old sweet song

keeps Georgia on my mind.
Talkin' 'bout Georgia
I'm in Georgia.

A song of you
comes as sweet and clear
as moon light through the pines.

Other arms reach out to me.
Other eyes smile tenderly.
Still in peaceful dreams I see
the road leads back to you. "

So, basically, this is my plan for this long-waited-to-come Spring Break. Purdue Outing Club, backpacking division, will be having a trip to Appalachian Trail, North of Georgia. I told Laurie, Backpaking Consultant,not to tell any climbers about my participation in this trip. Randy has been asking me to join Climbers to have a blast at the Red Rock, Utah. And Laurie goes, "They will know about it eventually." and I go, "Nope, until we're back from the trip!" It's gonna be 6-day trip and there won't be too many participants, which sounds good, for those who know how better it is to have few people to do hiking and backpacking in such period.
