
Getting back to the Red last week was a hell of fun. Climbing three days in a row, 4-5 routes a day, leading couple of tens and catching up with climbers at Miguel's were something worth for after a long vacation back to Malaysia, though I missed PUMSA's callout.

Not even an hour we left Miguel's, it came across my mind how much I miss the woods. But with these people surrounded around me, I supposed my life at Purdue will be 'wild' enough to pull me off of any bewilderment living in the States.

Justin Kranzman - We started climbing together a year ago

Andy Constantino - Climbing consultant (A flexible climbing beast)

Kate Sipla -Best storyteller ever!! plus she works at Von's, one of my fav places in Lafiesta. We share lots of stories! Gossip buddy!

Jenny Farney - Ex-climbing consultant, who once told me she had a crush on me! Uhuk! uhuk! She's a bit uptight..

Marc Dillon (yeah...Marc with 'c'). A climbing teacher of mine. He's a good climber himself, for sure.

Randy Hart - Just a buddy!

Mark Endo (Don't have a picture of him just himself). He's my brother over here. Always always always be there for me.

Hell yeah! That's a CIRCLE apple pie I made for iftar just now..