Kena Tag lagi...."Five Things"

I've been tag by Azwan for "Five Things..."

lima benda dalam bag saya:

1)Couple of pens, which I took everytime I went to PEFCU bank for free and Bic pencils.
2)Missouri, New York, Indiana and Rhode Island quaters.
3)The Purification of The Heart by Hamza Yusuf and The Namesake.
4)A clipper <-- dun remember when did I put it there..
5)Purdue Planner.

lima benda dalam dompet saya:

1)Bank, credit, Insurance, Identification, Starbucks, Purdue ID cards!
2)A sticker-picture of me, Addin, and Saini.
3)Some business cards.
4)couple of receipts which might be useful for a game like I played during 2005 HACC annual Dinner!
5)1 ringgit bill.

lima benda faveret dalam bilik saya:
1) my shirts in my closet.
2) my creatively adorned board.
3) my double-decker bed.
4) a huge Malaysia's flag hung on the wall.
5) a 1.5 meter mr Froggy!

lima perkara yang saya nak lakukan:
1) Producing and directing a film.
2) Traveling to India.
3) Playing Hinata Rhapsody #1. Opus 38 to the one I love.
4) Meeting in personal with Damien Rice.
5) Writing a poem to the one I love.

lima perkara yang sedang dilakukan:

1) Writing this post.
2) Thinking of when I should study for theater's quiz tommorow.
3) Listening to 'Lelaki Ini' by Anuar Zain.
4) Wondering if I should make a cup of 3 in 1 nescafe given by Nabilah or not.
5) Browsing for materials for the next posts!


A Farewell

Flow down, cold rivulet, to the sea,

Thy tribute wave deliver:

No more by thee my steps shall be,

For ever and for ever.

Flow, softly flow, by lawn and lea,

A rivulet then a river:

No where by thee my steps shall be,

For ever and for ever.

But here will sigh thine alder tree,

And here thine aspen shiver;

And here by thee will hum the bee,

For ever and for ever.

A thousand suns will stream on thee,

A thousand moons will quiver;

But not by thee my steps shall be,

For ever and for ever.

by Alfred Lord Tennyson

I've been tagged by Gamat!

8 random things bout me:

a) I'm sentimental which sometimes reach to the point of blissing out!
b) Keep lots of big secrets!
3) Pay attention to inconsequential details, but they are unique observations though!
4) Love to play with words!
e) From the outside may look blithesomeness, but always carrying huge responsibilities. Just don't want to bother anybody.
6) Loud in every sense!
g) I have 2 dads, 3moms, and 15 siblings!! Proud of it!
h) I wanna be a film director!!!!